What are the steps?

  • Film it.

    First step, Film It. MR Productions will come to your site, whether it be a coffee shop, or a construction site, or anything in between, and grab some footage of what you do. We will grab multiple camera’s, and snag multiple different videos with engaging and exciting angles.

  • Edit it.

    From there, we will edit it in our studio. We will watch look at every detail and find every extra piece that we feel like the video could use, and add it. We will cater it to the crowd it is intended to reach and we will cater it to that designated crowd. We will then watch it over a few times and check for any extra pieces we can add to it.

  • Post and advertise.

    From there, we will post it and add key hashtags to the content that will drive traffic to the post. On top of that, MR Productions will use some of the money from the cost of the service, to advertise it further to reach your desired crowd. Doing this will immensely help gain traction of the viewers and consumers you desire to gain.

Make it stand out.

When it comes to the content that you post on a business page/social media page, you want it to be engaging. You don’t want it to be like everybody else’s. The majority of people will scroll past your post if it does not engage them. That’s the problem a lot of people have when creating the content for their social media pages. The content that MR Productions makes is specially curated to the desired crowd. So whether it be a construction company or a local bar, we have got the editing and marketing experience to fully engage the clientele you are trying to reach.

Market it.

When going to market you content, you want to market it in a way that gets you the best bang for your buck. You don’t want to market it to anyone and everyone. You want to market it to the ones that are most likely to take action on your content. That’s why MR Productions is the best of the best in that field. They spread it to every spot that it needs to be hit at, while leaving the spots it doesn’t need to be.

Be Different. Be Better.